Sunday, September 12, 2010

Emrichsville Bridge over White River

This is a view of the old Emrichsville Bridge looking west. At this point West 16th Street crosses White River in Indianapolis. The bridge was torn down and replaced in about 1947. Both this bridge and its replacement were located approximately 200 yards east of the intersection of 16th and Lafayette Road on the west side of Indianapolis. The Pole drive-in restaurant was also located at this intersection.
There were two towers at the east end of the old bridge.

The top picture is much older than the bottom, but it gives a better view of the two towers which were located on the east side of the White River. I can remember walking accross this old bridge with my father when I was about eight years old. He told me that, when he was a boy, bears were kept in the rooms at the base of these towers, but they had been gone for years by the time I was born.

The bottom picture is taken from an old post card and shows the north side of the old bridge from the west side of the river.

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