Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bridge over White River at 30th Street

On the right I have posted a picture of the 30th St. bridge over the White River in Indianapolis. This is the way I remember it as a child. My father kept a boat at a boathouse that was exactly at the vantage point from which this picture was taken. The large building in the background is the naval armory.
This picture shows the same bridge from the other side of the river - the east side and from  the other side of the bridge - the north side. At the four corners of the bridge there were stairs leading down the the river. Both pictures are from old post cards, however, the top picture was taken at a much later date. The lower picture is quite old. This bridge is still in service.

1 comment:

  1. Only someone your age would remember when there was a boathouse and docks in the location you mentioned on the top picture. That was at least 60 years ago!


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